What We Do

We equip students who experience anxiety with the tools and skills they need to be successful and happy.

We provide educational therapy, specialized accredited virtual schooling, and community to help students meet their goals and feel good doing it. Our programs are for all students, and we specialize in supporting those with challenges in the following areas: school-related anxiety, executive function difficulties, ADHD, learning differences, and twice-exceptionality (2E).
A smiling mother and daughter pair work at a laptop together.

How We Help

We help students who struggle with anxiety, whether they need after-school support or a full-time alternative to the traditional school setting.

Using an empathetic neuroscience-based approach, we evaluate students' strengths and weaknesses and teach students to set themselves up for success and more calmly handle challenges that come their way. With a complete understanding of themselves as learners and reliable support over time, students maintain robust systems and routines to improve their academic performance and feel better doing it.
A teen with a backpack smiles slightly.

No-Cost Support

The School Without Suffering Podcast

Learn to better understand your school-anxious child along with concrete steps you can take to set them up for success. Plus, get access to free resources including our Time Management Minicourse for Teens and Tweens.

Teens that say anxiety and depression are a major problem among people their age in the community where they live. An additional 26% say it’s a minor problem (Pew Research Center, 2019)


Teens that say they personally feel a lot of pressure to get good grades. Another 27% say they feel some pressure to do so. (Pew Research Center, 2019)


Incoming college freshmen who said they feel "overwhelmed" by all they have to do, compared with 28% in 2000 and 18% in 1985. With an increased emphasis test scores, today's youth can feel pressure to succeed in ways previous generations did not. (Higher Education Institute, 2016)

Who We Are

We believe that with the right information, tools, and support, all students can thrive in school and in life.

We teach students to set themselves up for success and more calmly handle challenges that come their way. Through our empathetic neuroscience-based approach, our experts teach students to master their mindset, set up their systems, and put new skills into practice so they can improve their experiences and outcomes in school.
School Without Suffering Founder/CEO, Laura Fragomeni, coaching a student virtually.