Let's make school without suffering a reality for all.

Our mission is to help students do and feel better. We achieve this mission when the students we support learn to cultivate self-compassion along with the subject matter and executive functioning skills they need to overcome their academic challenges.

But we know this work is too important to touch only the students whose families can afford full tuition.

Even further, we think the impact is too important to be limited to only students we can work with directly.

If you'd like to be a part of changing students' lives for the better, there are two ways you can help.

Invest in Students

We strive to be an intentionally diverse community, where all are welcome and belong.

Your tax-deductible donation allows us to offer Pay-What-You-Can tuition for Virtual School students. An expression of our values that is intended to make sure the School Without Suffering experience is within reach of all who need it, this model allows families to pay monthly tuition that is comfortable for them.

If you're able, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help us continue providing Pay-What-You-Can tuition for all those who need it.

Sign the School Without Suffering Pledge

To have a lasting positive effect for all students, we’ll need to impact the culture of schooling. And for that, we’ll need a coalition of parents, students, educators, academics, allied professionals, and other invested community members to envision and enact change.

The first step to building this coalition is getting the word out. Our first public initiative, the School Without Suffering Pledge, is aimed at building awareness and broad commitment to our mission.

The Pledge

As a community member invested in creating a culture of schooling without suffering, I pledge to

  • Learn about & name the aspects of schooling which impose undue emotional burden on students, especially those who have been historically under-served by the system.

  • Examine the ways in which my own beliefs about school and education may perpetuate a system that causes unnecessary hardship in the lives of students.

  • Use my voice, my vote, and my spending power to move the needle toward a more compassionate system of schooling.

  • Act compassionately toward the students in my life, including myself.

eSign the pledge below.

We'll support you to maintain your pledge with weekly educational and motivational emails.

Share Your Story

You can help raise funds and get the word out by creating a tribute with just a personal story and an easy-to-create image. Tributes are added to our Hoolock gallery, which helps us connect with supporters who can provide funds, time, and resources we need to serve students. Sharing your tribute on social media to inspire others can also make a big difference.

Not sure where to start? Browse the gallery to get inspired by others' tributes.