Course Description

While procrastination is often attributed to laziness, it is actually a consequence of not having the skills or strategies needed to initiate and execute certain types of task. Learn and practice those skills and strategies in this course, while using them to complete assignments in a supported environment.

Learning Objectives

When a learner completes this course, they will

  • Learn specific strategies to help start and finish tasks in a way that feels good.

  • Get help using the strategies to get school work done.


  • 1

    Get Ready

    • Welcome

  • 2

    Learn and Prepare

    • Strategy #1

    • Practice 1

    • Strategy #2

    • Practice 2

    • Strategy #3

    • Understand Getting Ready Self-Statements

    • Write Your Getting Ready Self-Statements

    • Understand Activating Strategies Self-Statements

    • Write Your Activating Strategies Self-Statements

    • Understand Being Mindful Self-Statements

    • Write Your Being Mindful Self-Statements

    • Understand Taking Control Self-Statements

    • Write Your Taking Control Self-Statements

    • Understand Cherishing the Positive Self-Statements

    • Complete Your Self-Statements

  • 3


    • Introduction

    • Check-in

    • Getting Ready

    • Activating Strategies

    • Working - Round 1

    • Being Mindful - Round 1

    • Taking Control - Round 1

    • Working - Round 2

    • Being Mindful - Round 2

    • Taking Control - Round 2

    • Working - Round 3

    • Being Mindful - Round 3

    • Taking Control - Round 3

    • Working - Round 4

    • Being Mindful - Round 4

    • Taking Control - Round 4

    • Working - Round 5

    • Being Mindful - Round 5

    • Taking Control - Round 5

    • Cherishing the Positive

    • Reflect

  • 4


    • Reflect on What You've Learned

    • Congratulations!

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