Course Description

Though it is an essential executive functioning skills, time management is often not explicitly taught in school. And when students don't pick up these skills, it's attributed to weakness on their part. But like any other skill, time management can be taught. In this course, students will learn to use time management systems that work, and learn to make those systems work for them, so that they can successfully do everything they need and want to do.

Learning Objectives

When a learner completes this course, they will

  • Plan their time each week so that they have enough time to do everything you need to do and everything they want to do.

  • Identify the parts of the brain involved in creating anxiety

  • Stick to their plans with self-compassion and flexibility.

  • Reflect on and adjust your plans each week for continuous improvement.


  • 1

    Get Ready

    • How To Use This Course

  • 2

    Week 1

    • Watch Step 1

    • Do Step 1

    • Watch Step 2

    • Do Step 2

    • Watch Step 3

    • Start Step 3

    • Watch Step 3 (continued)

    • Finish Step 3

    • Next Steps

  • 3

    Week 2

    • Warm Up

    • Watch: Reflection Step

    • Do: Reflection Step

    • Watch: Planning for Next Week

    • Plan Your Next Week

  • 4

    Moving Forward

    • Keep Going!

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