Course Description

Being twice-exceptional means having exceptional challenges, but it also means having exceptional strengths. The more 2E learners can learn about all those parts of themselves, the happier and more successful they can be. In this course, 2E learners will reflect on their specific experience with school work, envision a better future, and find a clear path to get there, all while working in a supportive environment to apply their learning to their school work immediately.

Learning Objectives

When a learner completes this course, they will

  • Identify the thoughts and feelings that come up during school work currently, and what school work would feel like ideally.

  • Identify their unique strengths.

  • Plan how to use their strengths to achieve the things they want to achieve and feel the way they want to feel doing it.


    1. Welcome

    1. Reflect on Where You Are

    2. Record Where You Are

    3. Review What You've Learned

    4. Reflect on Where You're Going

    5. Record Where You're Going

    1. Background Information

    2. Discover

    3. Reflect

    4. Shine

    1. Keep Going!

About this course

  • Free
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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